
Saturday, January 01, 2011

What's happening at OSG in January?

Happy New Year! May all your best wishes come true! The new year promises wonderful opportunties for OSG friends. First of all, I am now on Facebook. You track what's happening from this blog or on Facebook.

The Valleyford Clarion continues to be the 'news source' for the area. To make it more accessible,
I will be uploading the pages separately. It shouldn't take as long to upload. The 1st page will always be the CALENDAR; then the other pages will follow.

Please notice the new article by Aubrey Hamilton (the clarion's first 'cub' reporter-- she is home-schooled. Please notice the articles by Tina D'Auria and Christy Swanson. They put a lot
of effort into them.

On Sacred Grounds will be offering more interesting items in 2011 (beyond the Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee). I will be expanding my pantry and possibly selling shoes/slippers made in the USA.

The big event in January is the Juried Show on Friday, January 14th. I received 14 applications for consideration. The judges will have a tough time.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Your friendly, neighborhood barista,


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