What was everybody doin'? They were enjoying the made from scratch Quiche Lorraine topped with fresh tomatoes and their choice of NY Bagels with cream cheese!
If you checked out my little quiz on facebook, one of my favorite mystery customers stopped by for her "usual special of the day and a slice of quiche" She drives the white car. She supervises the kitchen in a Central Valley School. She also loves to paint in acrylics and watercolor. She is also a certified reflexologist and hypnotist. Who is it? The first person to guess correctly is entitled to a 2 for 1 special of their choice.
The March Clarion is also now available for viewing on line. I hope you enjoy the puzzles. Starting next month, we will include the answers in the current published edition -- so no more freebies for anyone that finishes it first. [Yes, I actually have had about 3 people claim the prize since I began the promotion.]

Its format will change a little next month because so much stuff is going on. It will offer an expanded culinary calendar
section. The two big events in March are the Ladies Spa Day
on March 10th and the Free Cycling Talk/Lecture by Alan Torgerson, Bruce Hunt & Robert Tate on Saturday, March 16th beginning at 11 AM. The SPA DAY is filled. We are
forming a waiting list for the next time these four talented therapists can be rounded up together.
I hope you enjoy the featured puzzles and articles. Our correspondents work furiously into the night to meet deadlines and the editor's expectations. Let Elaine know what you think of their stories. Better yet, send a little missive by e-mail and I'll include it in a Letters to the Editor section!